Week One: Day One (August 19th)
We left Madison, Wisconsin around 11am. I was anxious for what was ahead. We traveled 52 miles in about 5 hours. We took a ferry to the town of Merrimac. It ended up raining on us quite a bit, we spent a half hour biking around Devils Lake trying to find the check in and our site and it was quite miserable. Billy’s moustache-less face will take some getting used to.
Week One: Day Two (August 20th)
Hills, hills, hills, wind and of course more rain. At one point it was raining so hard I felt like I would never be dry, ever. We biked about 40 miles and stayed at a walk in campsite.
Week One: Day Three (August 21st)
Much fairer weather today, much less rain. We rode 67 miles and stayed at a small hick campground about 5 miles from the trail we took to La Crosse. They even had a bar onsite! Ha, we didn’t take advantage of it though, Billy was crabby from the rain and it was getting cold so we ate and went to bed.
Week One: Day Four (August 22nd)
Today was Billy and my six month anniversary! Wahoo! It was sunny and not to hot! I saw a turtle in a marsh and we both some deer. We met two German Sheppard dogs and named them Pal II and Pal III they were well behaved. We biked 76 miles and stayed in a town called Pepin, finally a whole day without any rain!
Week One: Day Five (August 23rd)
WE MADE IT TO MINNEAPOLIS!!! Only after eleven hours of riding, almost 90 miles. We got to Ty and Kelly’s’ place around 10pm and hurried to grab some pizza.
Week One: Day Six (August 24th)
Today was our first day off. We went to the Como Zoo and got ice cream and spent time at a small café. We visited Kelly at work, I had a glass of wine, Ty and Billy had beer and we all had dessert.
Week One: Day Seven (August 25th)
The sun came out at a great time today! The ride went well, Billy was about a mile or so ahead of me on the Luce Line trail, and old railway going west out of the twin cities for 60 miles. We got to a small town and the trail split up, I biked around trying to find it and started to panic, thinking Billy and I were separated. He turned around and found me, in tears on a parking bench. He was also worried if I had gotten lost, stolen or hurt. Now we will stay much closer together.
Week Two: Day Eight (August 26th)
We rode 72 miles today to Montevideo, MN. We stayed at a lovely park with sauna style bathrooms! It was early when we got to the camp, today was an easy day for riding. We had a big meal! The last 17 miles of our trip was on a road that was blocked off under construction. We didn’t want to navigate 10 miles around it, so we gave it a try. It was wonderful, It was a brand new paved road with just us on it! Billy chased a butterfly and we were both in high spirits!
Week Two: Day Nine (August 27th)
Today we traveled 82 miles. I saw quite a few dead snakes and it worried me quite a bit. We stayed in Castlewood, SD. STATE NUMBER THREE!!! We stayed at a man named Greg’s house who we met on the website warm showers. He had two adorable daughters Katie and Lyndsay. We camped in their yard, had a beer and took nice indoor showers with fluffy towels!